The Little Church By The Way
A winding highway passed by
The little church by the way
Many drivers going by
Say I'll visit there someday.
The little church is not to bigĀ
But it's filled to the top with love
And every time a meeting is held
We have a visitor from above.
The truth is taught, the truth is told
Straight from the Holy Book
Some people who only glance our way
Don't give us a second look.
Quanity cannot measure quality
Nor the other way
And if you visit us one time
I'm sure you'll want to stay.
The peace that flows throughout the pews
And from front to back
Is unsurpassed anywhere
That is a natural fact..
Written By: Terry A. Mosley..
Put curser on image.
And see what happens.
Put curser on image.
And see what happens.