My life falls before me
I don't know what to do
I can't choose either path
Nothing good lying ahead
My eyes seeing only darkness
It only gets worse and worse
My heart breaking in pieces
Trying to keep what is worth
Trusting no one is the key
And there's no picking the lock
My mind just full of nonsense
Filled with their hypnotic ways
Believing and getting lied to
All people are fakes
Life's just one big game
I guess everyone has to play
I try so hard to trust
There's just no rewarding end
Everyone else so very happy
And I envy them so much
I don't understand what I'm living for
There's really no true love
Love being just a word
That's pleasing to ones tongue
Faith no one has it
Just living day by day
Waiting for another lie to be told
For that boost that keeps me alive
Feeling so empty inside
I was going to straighten up
But he abandoned his whole family
Living two totally different lives
Am I the only one that feels?
Does no one even care?
Or have they already been taught to play
The Game that we call life
I wish someone would teach me
So I wouldn't feel this pain
Being so lost deep within
Wasting away my life
There' s no real true freind
Or pastors we can trust
Misguiding is their way of playing
That game we call life
Hypocrites and sinners
Drunks and druggies to
Are they the ones that make up
This god forsaken place
We are all so very different
But very alike to
I guess I'm the one that's so gullible
Believing the fakes and their lies
My life is so useless
Because I don't understand
Is there a reason for living my life?
Will I soon Comprehend?
My road lies before me
As far as I can see
The path getting only narrow
Never having a dead end
I Hope it soon comes clear to me
That game that we call life
Or I hope I learn to play it
So I can finally survive
Getting rid of all my heart aches
Having only joy deep within
Forgetting what has happened to me
Living out the game that I soon will call life.
Written By: Lea Hayton
Date 10/9/2004